The Film
Where did it begin?
The idea for The Other Boys of Summer originated years ago when Lauren Meyer was listening to her Mom's lesson plans for Black History Month. Mrs. Meyer was an elementary school teacher. The idea of segregation never made sense to Lauren. So she decided to explore the subject from a unique perspective. What was it like to pursue your dreams when you were not permitted to go certain places, sit in certain seats or play on certain teams?
Lauren began to take out books from the library and read about the Negro League baseball players. She wrote letters to many hoping to have the chance to meet them. When she started making contact and hearing their stories she knew she had to make a film to shine the spotlight on these humble men (and women) who endured terrible treatment yet remained gracious and thankful for the opportunities they had. In spite of the injustice they faced daily, not one of these men were bitter. They were thankful for the chance to play the game they loved. This just made the story that much more intriguing to Lauren.

The Filmmaker
Lauren Meyer is an Emmy nominated Director with over 20 years in the business.
Highly respected as a strong storyteller, Lauren's passion for sharing personal stories and shining a spotlight on the underdog was acknowledged with a 2017 Emmy Award nomination.
Her work has aired on dozens of TV networks, cable channels and digital platforms. Growing up a Met fan she is well versed in patience and perseverance. She began filming "The Other Boys of Summer" as a passion project in 2007 when she realized if she didn't interview the players now, their personal stories would be lost forever.
In a time where civil rights continue to occupy the headlines, Lauren is more determined than ever to show a different perspective to civil rights in America. The Other Boys of Summer is a triumphant story focusing on how with perseverance and grace these unsung American heroes changed baseball and changed America.

The Program
What is the program and who uses it?
A 90 minute program used by companies, communities, schools and organizations.
The Other Boys of Summer brings people together, amplifies diverse voices, creates a space for a shared experience, sparks conversations and fosters a culture of belonging.
It's a powerful Diversity, Equity & Inclusion program with a proven track record for positive impact. For those who may no longer support DEI... think of it as an invaluable tool for team building, increasing productivity and educating. It is a way to nourish an environment where people feel they belong and are valued.
The program includes the critically acclaimed film (42 min.) followed by a panel discussion. The filmmaker (an Emmy nominated Director) is included in the panel. We provide all of the tools for a successful program without you needing to do the heavy lifting. You’ll get a discussion guide, poster/logo/art files for promotion, resource list, lesson plan (where applicable), filmmaker bio, sample run of show, tech specs and more.
Since 2019 it has provided tangible results creating ally-ships and providing a space for powerful conversations around race, equity and cultural competency. You’ll meet humble and gracious civil rights pioneers who changed America by pursuing their dreams. It’s a triumphant story of resilience in the most unlikely of situations. The Other Boys of Summer is an original program that motivates and inspires.
The film is currently only available through the program.